Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Operation #occupyanythingforattention

Ok, I'm officially sick of #occupywallstreet!

It's cost the NYPD $1.9 million in overtime (as of October 7). That's government spending that you're causing...while protesting that you want government spending cuts and tax reform!

They are disrupting the lives of hard-working New Yorkers who want to make a living, all the while the protesters are living outside and making Manhattan look like a homeless breeding ground! On October 1st there were an estimated 700 arrests made when protesters crossed the Brooklyn Bridge. These are 700 individuals who have made their lives a little bit harder by getting themselves a public disorder offence on their criminal record! Good luck getting a job after that!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bed - The place of dreams (and maybe Charlie Sheen)

A bed is defined as a place of sleep, that gets perpetually more comfortable the later in the morning it is. Known as the Frengelhurtner Effect, named for the man who I just made up, that may or may not have discovered the main cause of lateness for work/school/monster-truck rallies. The important thing is that you don't know who he is, because the government made him disappear! ...or I made him up.
Either way, bed = good, government = not bed, therefore bad!

Yep...lolcats. That's as far as my creative capacity stretches today!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Kids today...then I go way off topic!

Kids today like different things than what I liked back in the day! It makes me feel very old that back in my childhood, 150 pokémon seemed like an insurmountable task to achieve, but these days there are almost 500! So what I want to know is why, if there are more than three times more pokémon to catch, are all these nine-year-olds going out, drink-driving, getting pregnant and ending up on Jeremy Kyle? Where do they find the time??? When I was nine, i spent every waking hour I could playing pokémon on my gameboy, or putting my pokémon cards in order, then shuffling them so I could do it again! I didn't have a spare minute to learn or do physical activities. I might not be smart, fit or have adequate social skills...but I know a shit tonne of pokéfacts!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Essay Writing: The opposite of bacon!

This is my little study on the different emotional stages students go through when they have assignments or essays to do. This is sort of a follow-up to my last post about procrastination, and I thought there could be some sort of interesting or ridiculous(more likely) reactions to this process.

This post has been written as I write the essay, so I didn't leave out any of the soul-crushing feelings that accompany attempting to write intelligently about something one knows little to nothing about.

Let's begin!

0/800 words
Let's get started. I've already covered the procrastinatory nature of what I've done since finding out about this essay, so let's dive right in! GO!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Procrastination (Watch Inception before reading)

Procrastination is a great word. I'd like to think that the 'pro' in procrastination is there because everyone is unbelievably skilled at it. I know I am. Hell, I should be writing an essay on Bach or something right now. That's really what this blog is. An outlet for my inability to type anything that requires any effort at all. Not that I don't put any effort into writing this blog. I'm awake...that's something!

You take one sneaky nap...

It's funny how people always want to tell you they're proctastinating on Facebook or Twitter...or with smoke signals. A true procrastinator would learn smoke signalling to tell you they're procrastinating, while they're procrastinating, so they could procrastinate, while procrastinating during procrastination!

Z to tha X
Xzibit has a serious alphabet deficiency!